We are the Harper Adams Land Management Society, an open and inclusive society dedicated to students studying or interested in Land and Property Management. We’re well known at Harper for running the first (and best) Dinner Dance of the year!
This year we are hoping to increase our links with industry related firms to boost the professional development and networking opportunities for our members. We hope to offer a full calenedar of both social and professional events, starting with our Dinner Dance on the 17th October and Young Professionals Evening on 24th October.
We offer full membership which include early access to tickets for £25.
We are a fun, professional society. Come and give it a go!
24/25 Land Management Society Execs
If you have any questions please get in touch on our designated email address landmanagementsociety@live.harper.ac.uk .
Follow us on instagram @haulandmanagementsociety
Follow our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/haulandmanagementsociety/