Harper Adams University Women's Rugby Club (HAUWRC) is an exceptionally inclusive and friendly club open to all, whether you’ve never picked up a rugby ball in your life, or if you’re a seasoned pro at it!
We train once a week; Monday nights 6 pm - 7.30pm, with all members (old and new!) welcome. Matches are played on a Wednesday afternoon in the BUCs league. We have a professional coach and start from the very beginning of what you need to know to play rugby safely and successfully. During training, we play touch and full contact rugby, to keep everyone involved and comfortable.
Memberships vary, allowing members to have the choice of a full membership allowing you to play in matches, to just a casual and social membership – so there’s no pressure to feel like you have to jump straight into a match, and no reason not to get involved with the club!
It’s easy to get involved, and members should join to enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Harper Adams Women’s Rugby club – a well-known and respected club within the University. The Captain for the Harper Adams Women’s Rugby club this year is Jas Shaddick and the Vice-Captain is Ollie Thomas, if you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to drop them an email on
23224700@live.harper.ac.uk or 23225300@live.harper.ac.uk.
Equally, check out our social media to see what we’ve been up to, and feel free to drop us a DM on there with any queries you may have – we can’t wait to meet you!
Captain - Jas Shaddick
Vice Captain - Ollie Thomas
Secretary - Lucy Rowling
Treasurer - Lucy Allsop
Social Media- Luci Wallace
Social Sec - Pippa Phillips
Social Sec - Amy Powell
Equally, check out our social media to see what we’ve been up to, and feel free to drop us a DM on there with any queries you may have – we can’t wait to meet you!
Instagram (@harperadamswomensrugbyclub)
Facebook (@Harper Adams Womens Rugby)
TikTok (@hau.womens.rugby)

Currently no elections running