Daisy Douglas President 24/25


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Daisy Douglas - SU President 2024/25

Email: ddouglas@harper-adams.ac.uk

Teams: Daisy Douglas (SU President)

The Role of President:

  • Representing students and ensuring the student's voice is effectively heard.
  • Contributing to the development of the Union strategy.
  • Upholding the SU democratic system and ensuring student demographics and interests are recognised and reflected.
  • Generating and overseeing the SU events programme and commercial activity.
  • Overseeing and supporting Clubs and Societies.
  • Chairs the Trustee Board and SU Executive Committee as well as sitting on a number of other university committees.
  • Member of the University Board of Governors.

About me:

I am from Manchester and have started this role from doing a degree in Automotive (Off-Highway) Engineering. I have always been involved with the harper community since I started by being a member of various clubs and societies such as motorsports and women’s rugby and also by taking on the roles of course rep and student ambassador.
In my spare time, I enjoy camping and being in the outdoors, spending time with my family and two cats as well as baking and rock climbing.


Why did I run?

I ran for SU president because I believe that every student should feel valued and heard, and I am excited about having the chance to create opportunities where a diverse range of voices can come together and contribute to our university's culture. One of my main goals is to enhance communication between the student body and the SU to build a stronger connection and have more transparency so we can work collaboratively to address issues and improve the overall student experience. I am aiming to being a proactive and approachable representative, dedicated to making positive changes that will benefit our whole community while continuing and growing my predecessor’s achievements and campaigns such as women’s health.


Why I love Harper:

Harper has allowed me to have some great experiences and meet some of the best people I know that will be a part of my life forever. My course has allowed me to explore different career paths, discover new opportunities with networking events and has gotten me ready for industry. I have thoroughly enjoyed socials and the many SU events we have thrown, we know how to party!


My advice to new students:

My advice would be to make the most of your time here, firstly because it will go so quickly and secondly because being a part of the community is what will make your experience. Immersing yourself within harper life is a great way to meet lots of new people who might have similar interests to you, such as joining a club or society or watching sports fixtures, getting a job on campus or becoming a course rep to stand up for your fellow students. There’s always loads to do! Also, a simple thing to do bring a door stop, this is a easy way to introduce yourself to your new neighbours by creating an open and welcoming space, remember everybody is in the same situation as you on the first day.


Talk to me about…

My role is to represent students and their voice to the university so you can have the best experience you can so I’m here to listen to you about anything you would like to know.

That could be anything from the list below and more:
Joining/starting a club or society
Events taking place
Worries or concerns (Mental Health or Academic problems)
University Life
We’re always around to help you out, we want you to feel at home so don’t struggle alone, come and chat with us.