We host a wide range of events and activities on campus, from nights in the SU Barn and Welly Pub to Yoga and City Trips!

HASU Events

We host a wide range of events and activities on campus, from nights in the SU Barn and Welly Pub to Yoga and City Trips!

Mindful Yoga at Harper!
11th March 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Dance Studio, Faccenda Building
Give It A Go | Fitness Classes
HAMC Navigational Scatter Rally
11th March 7:30pm - 10pm
The Sutherland Arms - Start and Finish
A 12 car Navigational Scatter Rally. The event will cover OS Map 127 covering the areas between Market Drayton, Stone, Wheaton Aston and Harper Adams. 25 locations will be provided with a maximum of 19 to be found, between 19:30pm and 22:00pm.
Societies | HASU | Events
Karaoke in The Welly!
11th March 8pm - 1am
The Welly
Karaoke Tuesday's!
Give It A Go | Events | The Welly
LMS - Cheltenham Races Transport
12th March 9am - 8pm
Newport Bus Pick Up (outside Oxfam)
Sports | Societies | Events
Big Pub Quiz in the Welly!
13th March 8pm - 11pm
The Welly
Big Pub Quiz every Thursday!
Give It A Go | Events | The Welly
RAG Week 2025 - Charity Hockey Match
17th March 3pm - 7:30pm
Astro Turf
RAG | Events
17th March 7:30pm - 11:59pm
RAG | Events
Vinyl Designs Clothing Stall in The Barn!
18th March 11am - 4pm
The Barn
Mindful Yoga at Harper!
18th March 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Dance Studio, Faccenda Building
Give It A Go | Fitness Classes
RAG Week 2025 - Take Me Out
18th March 7pm - 11pm
The Barn
RAG | Events
Karaoke in The Welly!
18th March 8pm - 1am
The Welly
Karaoke Tuesday's!
Give It A Go | Events | The Welly
RAG Week 2025 - Football Tournament
19th March 10am - 5pm
Football Pitch
RAG | Events
RAG Week 2025 - Student Fight Night
20th March 6pm - 9pm
Sports Hall
RAG | Events
21st March 10am - 2pm
The Welly
RAG | Events
Cardiff Trip
22nd March 8am - 8pm
QMH Car Park
Give It A Go | Trips
Mindful Yoga at Harper!
25th March 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Dance Studio, Faccenda Building
Give It A Go | Fitness Classes
Karaoke in The Welly!
25th March 8pm - 1am
The Welly
Karaoke Tuesday's!
Give It A Go | Events | The Welly
Varsity 2025
26th March 8am - 6:30pm
Depart from QMH Car Park
The biggest Sporting event of the year at HAU It’s time for our annual face-off against our rival the Royal Agricultural University...
Sports | Events | Trips