Students Unions are one of the most democratic membership organisations in the UK. Every one of them has its own structure for debating ideas and campaigns and making decisions. They are all run by students who are elected by students – and everyone can have their say!
At Harper Adams SU, our democratic structure is called the SU Executive Committee. It comprises of the President and Vice President who are both full-time officers of the union, together with student execs, taking on particular portfolios of work whilst also continuing their studies.
Our Executive Committee meets at least once a month and produces a policy which is created from issues affecting students. These can be to do with your student life, your university and your union. Our Committee works together to run campaigns to change things for the better of your student experience and the SU community to create awareness about issues which matter to YOU.

The SU Executive is made up of elected students who represent cohorts across the University, with the SU President acting as Chair of the SU Executive. This year's members of the SU Executive are listed below.
Meet your democratically elected student Executives. They have been chosen by the students to represent you and enhance your student experience at Harper.
Gabby Fleury – Welfare Rep
Gabby will champion campaigns related to the welfare of our students by gathering feedback and student issues to ensure that the welfare of students is reflected through the activities of the Union.

Tom York – RAG Rep
Tom is tasked with organising events that will aim to raise money for chosen charities over the year. He will collect voice on issues important to the student body and organise charitable campaigns to support them.

Fen Dower – Commuter Rep
Fen will represent students who commute to Harper by gathering regular feedback from them and campaigning on issues that will help make their university experience a better one.

Olivia Gowland – Sports and Societies Rep
By communicating with Harper’s sports and societies members, Olivia will campaign on issues that matter to them. She will support the integration of new clubs and societies and work closely with Maisie Glock, our Activities Coordinator.

Jamie Reynolds – LGBTQ+ Rep
Jamie will work with the Harper LGBTQ+ community to improve feeling of safety and belonging on campus. He will collect feedback and plan campaigns that create fun and meaningful experiences for LGBTQ+ students while positively contributing and addressing issues that his community are facing.

Amy Barnacle – Postgrad Rep
Amy will work with the President and Vice President to address issues that affect postgrad students. She will attend Harper Adams University Academic Board in
representation of Harper postgrads while gathering feedback and running campaigns for her community.

Oli Rudd – International Rep
Oli will represent our international students by collecting feedback about their Harper experience and running campaigns to improve their educational journey.

Student Trustees
Max Tennant
Matthew Carlisle
Max and Matthew sit on the Board of Trustees which acts on behalf of the Students’ Union with responsibility for the strategic direction and financial well-being of the organisation.

Here at HASU, the actions that are made are dictated by Student Representatives that are elected by students and dictated on student-created policies.
If you as a student want to see change for the better in your Union/University/community then we encourage you to write a motion and promote it to the SU Executive to be decided if it should be adopted as policy. A motion only becomes a policy when the SU Executive vote for it within one of the meetings.
If a proposal becomes a policy then the Union takes that as a statement of belief on the organisation on the particular issue. These policies, then placed, can then instruct representatives to carry out tasks, such as running campaigns on a particular issue.
Once a policy is made, it normally lasts for three years, and within that time the SU Executive Committee will review them.
You can view current policies and motions including sabbatical and union council champions in the democratic policy tracking sheet HERE
Before a policy is made, a policy proposal (motion) has to be made and submitted to the SU Executive Committee so that it can be reviewed and considered. Every student at Harper Adams University has the right to propose a motion.
If you feel that you have a potential policy that will benefit the students and the University/Union then send a Motion in and see what happens. Who knows- it could make a big difference. If you want to write a motion by do not know how to write one, then click here.
When a policy has been approved, the SU Executive mandates and oversees the work on the policy; however the party that is responsible is the full time elected officer(s) that have been selected to ensure the policy is worked on or the Students Union Director.
The majority of the time if you bring a motion on the day of the meeting and a decision on it will be decided there and then. However, if there is a lot to go through on the day then it is advised that the motion is to be submitted 5 days in advance by emailing: