Community Engagement Officer

Aled Thomas

Community Engagement Officer

Hi, my name is Aled and I come from the county of Pembrokeshire in South West Wales. I live on a suckler beef and arable farm and am currently in my second year at Harper studying BSc (Hons) Agriculture. My role on the SU is to maintain and better links between Harper and the local community. This can be done in loads of different ways varying from fundraising for local charities to getting Newport locals involved with sports. I'll also be promoting local events such as NewFest. 

 You'll be spending a lot of your time at Harper in Newport so you'll have a close relationship with the locals. Keeping a good link with Harper and Newport will ensure that everyone has the most happy and enjoyable time possible.

If you have any questions about the community, or you're from the local community and want a links person to Harper please get in touch.
