HASU Student Survey 1
The first HASU Student Voice Survey of 2023/2024 received 874 responses. This is a 9.5% increase from last year.
A stronger response rate from our underrepresented groups compared to 22/23 demonstrates the hard work of our Student Executives to promote HASU voice work among their community.
This survey has a strong focus on underrepresented groups in part to assist our Executives in their campaign planning. With greater knowledge of their communities, Executives can plan a campaign based on the needs of their group.
There is also a strong focus on mental health and belonging.
SU Student Executives were consulted in the creation of the survey and their suggestions were incorporated. All analysis is conducted via Survey Monkey using the inbuilt filtering tools and results are then sent to university colleagues to confirm statistical significance.
The second 2023/2024 survey will be sent to students at the end of March and will focus on SU events and venues. We welcome student suggestions for this survey. Please email them to zrittenhouse@harper-adams.ac.uk or pop into the SU office with your thoughts.
HASU Student Survey 2
The HASU Student Survey 2, 2023/2024 received 324 responses. This is a lower than usual response rate.
Due to this low response rate we were reluctant to draw conclusions from the data. However, we used the survey as an opportunity to review the priorities set at the beginning of the year.
Evidence of timetabling difficulties experienced by the majority of students led us to prioritise lobbying of the university to review timetabling. Results from the 2nd survey do not show meaningful changes in student opinion regarding their timetabling experience.
However it is possible that students responded to the survey with prevous years in mind. We will continue to monitor timetabling difficulties through Student Voice Surveys to get a wider understanding of the issue.
Other priorities reviewed through the survey were the creation of informal learning spaces on campus, and cost of living pressures on students.
The next survey will be sent to students in November of 2024. SU Student Executives will be consulted in the creation of the survey and their suggestions incorporated. All analysis will be conducted via Survey Monkey using the inbuilt filtering tools and results will be sent to university colleagues to confirm statistical significance.
We welcome student suggestions for this survey. Please email them to zrittenhouse@harper-adams.ac.uk or pop into the SU office with your thoughts.